Title: "Table Work"
Medium: Mural, Enamel Paint
Dimensions: 17'x40'
Date of Completion: 2022, Arkansas Repertory Theatre, Little Rock, Arkansas
Description: Designed for the 2022-2023 
Arkansas Repertory Theatre season, representing images from Every Brilliant Thing, Guys & Dolls, Laughter on the 23rd Floor, Little Shop of Horrors, and Clyde’s. Named for the process of script reading by actors around a table, “Table Work” denotes similarities in writing, drawing, and reading as critical creative forms. Comprising a loose grid or “list” of 75 stand-out images, “Table Work” represents the entire season as well as the visual nature of storytelling itself and the imagination required in theatre, particularly in minimal productions like the season’s opener, Every Brilliant Thing.
The mural in its initial format is painted simply in white. Before each play’s opening, images from that play were painted in, so that at the end of the season all of the images were filled with color, thus making the mural an “evolving mural.”

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